Volume 12                  Number 6
General Meeting: Thursday, January 6th. BYOB Happy Hour 6 to 6:30. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Club house on Burlington. Meeting at 7pm.
DUES: Bring exact cash or check. New quarter begins.
Board Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 25th at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom (for those you cannot make it in person) AND in person at the club house.
Important dates in January
3rd - Festival of Sleep day
8th - Bubble Bath Day
15th - National Hat Day
21st - National Hugging Day
27th - Chocolate Cake Day
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
-Helen Keller-
Board of Directors 2021-2022
Tim Echternach
Vice President of Membership
Sara Echternach
Larry Benton
Kay Brejcha
Sargent at Arms
Elaine McCoy
Brett Benton
2 Year Term
Dayton Shepherd
Aaron Zaner
1 Year Term
Brian McNeill
Todd Shelmadine



Todd Shelmadine - 1st
Jeane Tetro - 2nd
Brian McNeill - 12th
Brett Benton - 15th
Dinner will be provided by
Depending on where go, give yourself a little more time if the food establishment is short handed on employees.
Minutes of the general meeting of
Show-Me Cosmopolitan Club
December 2, 2021
The meeting was called to order by President Tim Echternach.
The blessing was given by Jan Barry.
A very nice dinner was enjoyed by those in attendance.  The caterer was Four Points Catering who everyone seems to be pleased with.
A thank you note from Deb Koepke was read.
There were several requests for money.
New Member Induction:
Larry Benton inducted Shari Weinman our newest member into the club.  Shari was sponsored by Judy Weitkemper.
Voluntary Action Center Project:
Phyllis Erhardt thanked everyone for their generosity and getting behind this project.  John Kadlec will be helping Phyllis make the delivery.
Treasurer’s Report:
We have a balance of $10,782.89 in checking.  Larry Benton is our new Treasurer.
Jan Barry gave a report.  We still need more workers.  Everyone emphasized it was work, but fun and as a bonus you get to know fellow Cosmos better.
Extreme Bowling:
Brett reported we are hoping to have Extreme Bowling this year.  If so and the date is available it will be around the first week of March.
Previous Sunday Social Report:
Those who attended had a good time.  The hall was decorated and looked very nice.
We had one birthday.  A Christmas birthday – John Kadlec.  Tim serenaded John with his version of Happy Birthday.
Scrip Program:
Kay encouraged members to participate. 
Jan Barry won $29.00
The meeting was adjourned by all standing and saying The Pledge of Allegiance.
December 29,2021 Minutes
For the Show-Me Cosmopolitan Club
Kay Brejcha, Brett Benton, Larry Benton, Tim Echternach, Brian McNeill, and Dayton Shepherd
January is typically the least attended out of all our meetings.  Because of this history the Board decided to do another bring your own dinner and drink.
Treasurer’s Report:
We have $11,671.55 in checking.
Bill Tetro and Phil Hansen are helping Larry thru the change over of Treasurer officers.  Larry is deciding on the best plan for him to report to the club.
We only have two members who are in arrears at this time.  They have both been contacted.  No action was taken at this time.
Brett Benton moved to approve the treasurer’s report (which included the report on dues).  Brian McNeill seconded the motion.  The motion passed.
Voluntary Action Center Project:
In addition to the gifts, Phyllis Erhardt sent a report that $260.00 was collected for food for the project.  She says Thank You! to everyone again for their support.
Scrip program:
Kay Brejcha reported that we should receive another deposit from Scrip soon.
Extreme Bowling:
Brett Benton gave a report on Extreme Bowling.  We hope to have it on March 12th or March 19th.  It was discussed that we should not have it during spring break.  It was also mentioned that we should have it as late as possible to avoid bad weather.  The contact with the bowling alley has changed and we may need to change the time to afternoon. Brett will know more soon.
Misc. business:
Miracles 4 Margaret:
Kay Brejcha gave a report on their activities, emphasizing the newest fund raisers (a dinner and a gun raffle)
Club Runner:
Tim Echternach will notify Club Runner by email to let the know we are canceling.
T-shirts from Walktoberfest:
They will be in soon.
Larry Benton made the motion to adjourn.  Brett Benton seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned.