Volume 11                  Number 7
General Meeting: Thursday, February 4th has been cancelled. 
Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 23rd at 5:30 p.m. on ZOOM.
Important dates in
Not only is it Black History Month...
4th - Thank Your Mail Carrier Day (thanks todd)
5th - Work Naked Day
17th - Random Act of Kindness Day
24th - Tortilla Chip Day
27th - International Polar Bear Day
28th - Public Sleeping Day
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
-Helen Keller-
Board of Directors 2020-2021
Tim Echternach
Vice President of Membership
Sara Echternach
Bill Tetro
Kay Brejcha
Sargent at Arms
Elaine McCoy
Brett Benton
2 Year Term
Brian McNeill
Todd Shelmadine
1 Year Term
Bill Giddings
Aaron Zaner
Sara Echternach - 5th
January 26, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Show Me Cosmopolitan Club
The meeting was called to order by President Tim Echternach
Those in attendance were: Brett Benton, Kay Brejcha, Sara Echternach, Tim Echternach, Bill Giddings, Elaine McCoy, Brian McNeill, Todd Shelmadine, Bill Tetro, and Aaron Zaner
General Meetings:
Meeting in person was discussed.  Sara made the motion to cancel the next meeting due to continuing COVID-19 issues.  Elaine seconded the motion.  The motion carried.
Scrip program:
Kay gave a short report explaining how the Scrip program works.  Kay will send material to Tim for the newsletter. 
Brett reported that gathering almost 200 people in one place did not seem to be the prudent thing to do at this time.  He wants to wait and see if we can do Ready for Spaghetti (drive thru).  We might change the time we do the bowling event after the pandemic settles down.
Treasurer’s Report: (including information on possible contributions)
Bill gave a full report.   The checking account balance as of the end of December was $9545.27.
$5900.00 is available to contribute from Walktoberfest.  In recent years that money has been distributed soon after the event instead of waiting until the end of the year.  Bill gave the percentages and break down of what that would be.  Bill Giddings made the motion that we use the same percentage as we have used the last two years to the three diabetic interests.  Kay seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.  The break down is Diabetes Center $2124; Camp Hickory Hill $1770; and the Pediatric Diabetes Center $2006.  This will be put in the newsletter and members will be ask to approve the amounts by return email when the Contributions Committee makes a recommendation. Those on the committee are: Brett Benton, Cece Benton, Tim Echternach, Dayton Shepherd, and Bill Tetro.
Bill is beginning work on the 21–22-year budget.  He would like any ideas or suggestions.
Perfect Attendance:
The board will discuss making adjustments to figuring perfect attendance due to COVID – 19. 
The meeting was adjourned.
Scrip Program:
Info is forthcoming....
Nominating Committee:
Our club has been without a President-Elect so far this year.  We also know that Bill Tetro will not be our treasurer next year. (he has served for 2 terms, and so has Kay Brejcha as Secretary) The board is concerned about a full slate of officers.  Suggestions/volunteers would be appreciated. Decisions will need to be made within the next 2 months regarding this and its resolve if we don't come up with a full slate.